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When a Vesecomi Happens Can They Eveyr Come Again

Bryan Cooper married his loftier school girlfriend when he was 18; vii years later, he was a father to twins. Post-obit his wife's difficult pregnancy, the two decided they were done with kids. He opted to become a vasectomy, since it's less invasive than his wife having her tubes tied.

Then he learned his wife had been having an affair. She asked for a divorce. Cooper eventually constitute dear once again, and he now regrets the surgery."At the age of 26, y'all don't think you're going to want more kids, and I was having twins," he tells MEL. "But now I'chiliad with a [new] adult female I admire. She has a wonderful 4-year-one-time from her previous relationship. But nosotros would never be able to have our own biological child together."

Allen, a 42-year-old in Texas, believes he was duped into having a vasectomy past the promise of having more sex after the procedure. After two years of chronic hurting and exceptional sex, Allen wants a vasectomy reversal and a divorce, which he believes will solve his problems.

It's rare for men to regret a vasectomy, says Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger, Manager of Urology at the New York Urology Specialists. He estimates about 5 percent of men seek reversals on their vasectomies, and the chronic pain cited by men like Allen is even rarer — "a less than 2 pct chance."

So for the men who exercise sigh over the snip, what happened? We asked several to open near their experiences. Hither are their stories.

Kurt, twoscore, Nebraska — Vasectomy 11 Days Agone

You just can't practise shit with sore nuts.

I have no feelings of regret toward not having more than kids. We have two — i boy, one daughter — and that'south plenty. Don't wanna be outnumbered, ya know? But depression — aye. No idea what brought it on, just it was in that location for a few days. Days 4, five and half-dozen [post-vasectomy], I would get actually down. [My thoughts were] like, Something is incorrect with this swelling, and I'll have to become dorsum for more surgery/reversal, and I'm going to take pain for a long time. Probably won't ever get to do the things I similar anymore. I think it was a combination of beingness very active normally (lift 4-plus days/week and ride bikes a lot) and having been told, "A few days and information technology'll be normal," screwed with my caput. Anyone is happy to have a few days of not doing a damn thing. When your nuts hurt, and information technology'southward been v days, and there's a weird swollen lump in your sack… shit gets existent.

I think the pain and the thought of needing to become dorsum to repair or reverse the vasectomy was the cause of depressing thoughts. The all-time way I tin think to explicate it: You know that friend who's a sad drunk? Everyone has one. It's like I became that guy/girl, but wasn't drinking. Just lying on the couch, wallowing in my own misery. Looking back, all of a week now, I realize the procedure is no biggie.

My best advice: Purchase 2 jock straps. One to clothing, one to launder. Program on a full week to 10 days of downtime. During that fourth dimension, get some good comedies to spotter. If you lot're an active person, be prepared for that time without exercise. Information technology sucks.

So far, after day seven, I've been much better! I talked to a nurse from the urology clinic as well as getting reassurance on Reddit, all saying information technology's normal and to keep resting/medicating (ibuprofen). Day eight, I had less pain and went out to dinner with friends. Twenty-four hour period 11, today, I'one thousand finally out of the jockstrap and in briefs. Still a niggling swollen in the one spot, merely information technology's meliorate.

Another thing is your damn [pubic] hair grows back and pokes everything. It is better now, at day 13. For a few days, it would poke my dick and I'd accept to rearrange the front room immediately. I considered shaving again, but you know, I'm not a porn star, and then fuck that effort.

Bryan Cooper, 38, Tennessee

I started dating my high school girlfriend in 1998, got married in 2003 and she gave birth to twins in 2005. It was a tough pregnancy and the doctor told her information technology would exist a medical risk to get pregnant again.

The affair is, we establish out she was pregnant during a pre-op pregnancy test. She was nearly to have a small-scale surgery. And then, compounding the fact of a tough pregnancy, a C-section and the demand to still have that other surgery, I decided a vasectomy would exist safer than her getting her tubes tied.

Fast forward to after the functioning, and I started feeling tired all the time. Nix sex drive. Gained xl pounds. Went to the md and was told to get to a specialist to check my testosterone. Testosterone levels were crap. Started needing injections every two weeks.

Fast forward to now. My kids are 13. My wife asked for a divorce a piffling over ii years ago afterward I found out about her yr-long affair. She is currently living in our old firm with my kids and the same guy. They are trying for a baby.

I've met someone awesome. We've been living together the past eighteen months. She has a wonderful 4-twelvemonth-erstwhile from her previous relationship. But nosotros would never be able to have our ain biological child together.

Basically, I rushed an important determination because I loved someone and thought that wouldn't change. In the end, it took away my testosterone levels, my options to have another child with someone else, and I have been on testosterone shots for 10 or so years now. Just because you are technically one-time plenty on paper to make a conclusion that will last the rest of your life, doesn't mean that you totally grasp those consequences. Emotions can make you do some crazy things, and trying to keep the person you love safe, even more than so.

At the end of the twenty-four hour period, I'grand a believer of seeing what yous have and not longing for what you don't take. Accept the past just don't let it have over the future. I regret that I rushed into a permanent determination by thinking I had information technology all figured out. Priorities of a 20-something are a lot unlike than that of a virtually-40-year-old. I regret that I don't have the selection of children with my new partner if that state of affairs arises.

Reversals are expensive and not covered by my insurance plan. They also crave a brusque infirmary stay, if I remember correctly, and there is no guarantee of normal sperm production afterwards being fixed for this long. [If the reversal is more than 10 years after the vasectomy, pregnancy rates go down to well-nigh 30 percent, according to—Ed.]

If you're in your 20s and because getting a vasectomy, wait. I didn't want children at that time in my life. I thought I was all the same also young at 25, but [having kids] inverse my life for the better and made me the person I am today. The pros seem to outweigh the cons at this bespeak in life, but if you consider yourself emotionally mature enough to make that decision, why not be emotionally mature enough to realize fourth dimension changes all? It will change your wants, desires, relationships and life goals.

Why take a permanent solution to a problem that can exist stock-still with safer sex methods such as condoms. You'll demand those anyhow to protect against STIs. And if yous ever alter your mind, putting on or taking off a prophylactic is a lot safer/easier than having or reversing a surgery.

Jeff, 34, Arizona — Vasectomy 14 Days Ago

I had it washed the Thursday before concluding, and I've been super-depressed since. I have a lot going on in my life, but I have for the last year and a half. I have a 2-year-onetime son. I had to leave his mom because she was a meth addict who wouldn't hold a job and stayed out all nighttime.

The approximate was adamant on allowing her to have custody despite her not complying to his orders of drug testing and rehabilitation. Finally, he had to accolade me custody, due to my son'due south mom not complying.

I used pupil loans, maxed out credit cards and am paying off an SUV she got repossessed. And then in reality, I didn't need a vasectomy. A 34-year-quondam living with his stepdad and raising a toddler by himself is a very effective contraceptive.

It'due south been almost two weeks since I got the vasectomy, so I tin can't say I regret information technology really. But feel weird. For a little over a calendar week, I was more depressed than I was for years. I suppose it could exist situational. There was a moment where I realized I couldn't create life anymore. I'chiliad pretty solitary as information technology is, but at that place are ways to reproduce if it came downwards to information technology.

[When] our son turns 18, I'll be three weeks from 50. I figured that'south the platonic time to take a kid. Not too young, not too old.

Oscar Lopez, 31, California — Vasectomy 10 Months Ago

I have ii daughters and a son in heaven. Nosotros lost him during pregnancy. The decision for the vasectomy was based on ane main factor: the health of my wife, Audrey. Figured she had gone through enough.

I work over as receptionist at a school district office. Currently studying at Cal State University Bakersfield through their extended campus plan.

Our plan had ever been to have ii children, no thing the sex. We had experienced extreme complications and we lost our little boy, Ezekiel, on December 2, 2016. My wife's health condition had taken a hit from surgeries and we developed PTSD from it. However, come fall 2017, we decided to try one final time after seeing our footling daughter Alyssa playing with a pretend sibling. The pregnancy was a success, and into the picture came Scarlett in March 2018 via C-section.

My vasectomy took place in Feb 7, 2018, a month before Scarlett was born. It went every bit a vasectomy goes, with ane incision at each side, cutting, cauterize and stitch up. Recovery went equally expected, with some pain that would come up and go. The use of good old handbag of peas and the utilize of boxer briefs for support did the trick. I found that the compression shorts did non help equally much, merely boxer briefs doubled up did wonders! Spent most of the week just relaxing, playing Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Rocket League.

During the recovery, I had felt like it was the right thing to do. Knowing that in the future, we would have fun without worries was great. We had reached our personal family unit goals and would now merely have fun.

For the moment, information technology was great.

Later on, the doubt kicked in.

Co-workers would commend the vasectomy, but others would follow up with, "Are you sure y'all did the correct matter?" or, "What if, you lot know, you lot wanted more kids later on?" I had e'er responded confidently that it was the correct call, but afterward and so many questions, doubt constitute its way into me.

I began thinking, What have I done? Self-command would accept been a viable pick for birth control, and evidently in that location'southward birth control pills. And so, whenever I went out, I caught myself gazing at large families, the ones with all the kids running around. Then the question hit me harder than e'er: was the vasectomy the right thing to practice? I Google-searched "vasectomy failure rates," "vasectomy reversals" and "take a vasectomy ever reversed itself."

Embarrassingly, one night I was checking out my own juice, wondering if it looked anything like before the vasectomy. Finally, I talked to the wifey about information technology, and plain I was not lone. She likewise had the similar sensation: What if nosotros wanted i more kid, just one? Nosotros talked again equally we were watching our little ones play in the living room. Then we realized 1 affair — we were both bottling up our doubts. It was pocket-sized questionings that we would answer ourselves but nosotros kept it from each other.

One time nosotros talked about it, the regret and questioning started to fade away. We talked about what it would be similar if she in fact became meaning again, but remembered what information technology would mean to her health. I once over again came across the reason for my vasectomy: the chick sitting next to me, my wife.

At times I ask myself, will the self-doubt come up back? Probably. I'm guessing it will occur when the "baby fever" happens, whenever nosotros encounter babies and all but we achieved our family goals. Many reasons exist for vasectomies and they are all valid. I would say if you lot want it, go for it. But remind yourself the reason behind it if you e'er catch yourself doubting your decision. I volition always retrieve why I had mine and volition e'er be glad I did in the end.

William, 36, Kentucky — Vasectomy twenty Months Agone

It's nuts that young men opt for a vasectomy so early. I know I was a much different person at 25 than I was at xxx and 35. I think fifty-fifty at 34, I may have been a little young for it, merely because I have two kids and I'm in a solid marriage, a vasectomy made sense. At that place was no way I could tolerate a newborn again. Plus, my kids were healthy.

By no means am I anti-vasectomy. All birth control has risks, so it's up to the individual/couple to make up one's mind the all-time method for them. Vasectomy may be the best selection. However, I do believe that vasectomies are being sold as easy and safe, a "just human being upwardly!" procedure. It may exist that for the bulk of men, only for those where it's not, information technology can exist life-destroying. Negative outcomes and [inquiry on them] are pretty difficult to find.

I had some pain, but I idea it was only normal healing. It was limiting but tolerable. However, at about two to three weeks post-vasectomy, my pain wasn't getting meliorate and began to really get worse.

I was having problem working. I had to proceed short-term inability and FMLA leave. I couldn't do my job. At this indicate, I was collapsing mentally. I went back to the urologist, and he basically said, "Lamentable, it could be chronic, it happens," and blew me off. I went to my PCP, who also blew me off. At this point, I was severely depressed, anxious and could barely go out of bed. I kept thinking things like: What if I can't always play with my kids over again, what if I can't function every bit a married man/male parent, what if I can't go back to work (I'm the sole provider), why would I practice this to myself, I'thou going to be worthless because of my decision to have a vasectomy and the subsequent pain. I cried a lot for those first three months. I spent 20 hours in bed for a month. It was the worst fourth dimension of my life.

I believe a lot of the mental issues were straight related to the hurting I was experiencing, and the hopelessness that ensued when I couldn't work, let alone barely become out of bed. Likewise, having multiple physicians blowing me off and telling me it's all in my head made it and then much worse. I had no idea where to turn for assistance. Beyond that, I asked everyone I knew. I couldn't find anyone dealing with this problem. Nigh, like me, had never even heard of a bad outcome following vasectomy. That was pretty isolating.

I am also of the opinion, that there was a significant shift in my hormone levels fueling this mental plummet. Pain is known to lower testosterone. Likewise, it'southward not unreasonable to recollect that the pain was due to some physiologic impairment to my testicles which could accept throw off my hormone levels. However, there's no way to ever prove that since my physicians weren't willing to practise annihilation at the time.

I eventually found the online PVPS [mail-vasectomy hurting syndrome] forum, and was able to effigy out I wasn't alone and that there were treatments. I institute some excellent health care providers who were willing to aid. I've tried basically every non-surgical, conservative treatment available, including numerous medications, pelvic flooring concrete therapy, hurting direction, nerve blocks, acupuncture, counseling, nutrition modification, etc. My hurting has improved greatly since those first 3 months. I'm nevertheless experiencing hurting daily, but information technology is rarely limiting. Most of the time it's a localized dull ache in the scrotum, but sometimes it tin can involve my perineum and my pelvis. It usually runs most a i–3 out of 10 on the pain calibration. Nevertheless, almost twice a day, I experience a pain similar to being kicked in the nuts — including the nausea that comes with it. It only lasts about 10 minutes, simply it can have my jiff away, especially if I had sexual practice the night earlier.

Oh yeah, my sex life has drastically declined. It just doesn't feel the same. It's all the same fun, but oftentimes isn't worth the increased pain over the following days.

Mentally, I'grand back to normal for the nearly part. I can easily get frustrated and angered now, but even that's improving. I plainly regret having the procedure, but what'southward done is washed. Currently, I am contemplating having a vasectomy reversal. The reversal surgeons I have talked to state that at that place's about a lxx percent chance for hurting reduction. However, I am too aware that whatever surgical procedure has risks, and I fear it could make it worse. I can live my life with my current pain, and I'm hesitant to allow another scalpel anywhere virtually my assurance again. Ha.

Finally, without the support of my married woman, family unit and friends, it would accept been impossible to pull myself out of the hell I was experiencing. In some ways, my issues are blessings because it fabricated me realize that my life and the people in it are pretty awesome. For that, I'm grateful.
