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Freeland Cynthia Art Theory a Very Short Introduction


In today'southward art globe many foreign, even shocking, things qualify every bit art. In this Very Short Introduction Cynthia Freeland explains why innovation and controversy. Buy By Cynthia Freeland Art Theory: A Very Short Introduction by Cynthia Freeland (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Volume Shop. Everyday low prices. Near the Series: Oxford'southward Very Short Introductions offers concise and of subjects–from Islam to Folklore, Politics to Classics, and Literary Theory to History.

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Goodreads helps you keep rails of books you lot desire to read. Want to Read saving…. Desire to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open up Preview Meet a Trouble? Thanks for telling us about the trouble. Render to Book Folio. Preview — Art Theory by Cynthia A.

Art Theory: A Very Short Introduction by Cynthia A. Freeland

Not simply a textbook of definitions, each volume provides trenchant and provocative–notwithstanding ever balanced and complete–discussions of the central bug in a given topic. Every Very Short Introduction gives a readable evolution of the subject field in question, demonstrating how information technology has developed and influenced society. Any the expanse of written report, any the topic that fascinates the reader, the series has a handy and affordable guide nitroduction volition likely testify indispensable.

Paperbackpages. Published past Oxford University Press first published Very Short Introductions To meet what your friends thought of this volume, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Art Theoryplease sign cyntthia. Is this tueory same book as "Just Is it Art", by the same author? Some merits information technology to exist but since there is a couple of years between publication I'd like to know freeeland sure.

See one question nigh Art Theory…. Lists with This Book. Jun 02, Ahmad Sharabiani marked information technology every bit to-read Shelves: May 25, Robert Boyd rated it really liked it Shelves: You won't get what you're expecting when y'all read this book. At least, I didn't. I was expecting a summary of the by and large French theory that has influenced thinking near fine art in the U. I was ar Oct magazine for beginners.

Simply Freeland takes a much more than expansive view, looking at art theory from Plato forward. And the structure of the volume is thematic rather than chronological. All this is to its benefit–it doesn't read like a rehashing of Artforum articles. Its major error is likewise one of its major virtues. Information technology is too brief to examine any given theory with sufficient depth, but past being so brief, it is a quick read.

Feb 13, Max Maxwell rated it it was astonishing Shelves: Excellent introduction to art theory, divided into chapters dealing with a certain topic and how it relates to fine art. It also explains Serrano's Piss Christ quite well, and has a general introduction involv Excellent introduction to art theory, divided into chapters dealing with a certain topic and how it relates to art.

It as well explains Serrano's Piss Christ quite well, and has a full general introduction involving theories on beauty. A basic overview of the art globe upwardly until Worked as a dainty repetition of what'southward been on the curriculum so far, with some unique inclusions of art examples. Freeland is also more open about her view upon art-history's lack of women.

Though that's nothing new and surface-level like the rest of chnthia book but in so zhort pages, I suppose that's to exist expected on such a broad fieldit was included without veru overtly shot. The most interesting aspects, I found to exist the Read for school.

The most interesting aspects, I plant to exist the parts that discussed art's value in correlation to the marked. It inspired me to delve deeper into that aspect of art theory. The last chapter also peaked my interests with its inclusion of new media, but it was too shallow to acquire much; the parts about the internet, similar Freeland basically stated herself, already feels horribly outdated, but I suppose she was right to mention information technology.

If you are just starting to written report art theory and want a broad view of what's what, I would recommend the book.

It's a cheap and fast way to go your bearings and could inspire yous to delve deeper into the theories inroduction some of the philosophers mentioned. Nov 17, Ed Hatfield rated it liked it.

Art Theory: A Very Brusque Introduction

I know these are introductions but I think the tone of this one is lower than some of the other VSI'southward. Whilst there are some very potent chapters and theories outlined some of the best writing is Chapter 7 almost technology and changing relations to art, also equally the discussed definitions of art I feel that there are a lot of very open up ended questions left hanging – not left to exist frefland but shorr and so tossed bated.

This detracted from the feeling that this was purposeful and focuse I know these are introductions just I think the tone of this i is lower than some of the other VSI'southward. This detracted from the feeling that this was purposeful and focused in places.

Either more depth needed on the issues raised, or perchance a smaller remit in the first place. Very good writing virtually feminist changes rreeland art theory and art history and some interesting stuff on museum spaces.

Nov 30, Kyle rated it really liked it Shelves: Renewed my organized religion in Oxford scholars and their ability to have intelligent things to say near wide ranging and intriguing topics. It may all exist a handy metaphorical device, withal she reveals how virtual reality applied science would be the game-changing fine art media, twelve years ahead of her fourth dimension! Many of the artists, earth renowned and niche market Renewed my organized religion in Oxford scholars and their ability to have intelligent things xhort say about introuction ranging and intriguing topics.

Dec 21, Otto Hahaa rated it liked it. Mutta ei kirja huono ole, olisi voinut vaan ollut parempi. May 30, Frederik rated it really introduchion information technology. Every bit the title says. Very well written, clear and highly informative.

If you like me have no real notion about fine art theory, this is an splendid place to start. It made me curious to know more well-nigh the field of study. I read this in combination with John Berger's Ways of Seeing, recommended. It's the fast-rail fashion to becoming the smart all-knowing fine art critic who will impress your friends on visits to the museum – without really having to study for it.

Jul 13, Jake rated it liked it Shelves: Qrt takes us through a cyclone tour of art dhort its various explanatory theories. This was a highly enjoyable read, and one which absorbs easily.

All the same, cynthja was sacrificed for breadth and engagement, simply Freeland yet does an admirable chore for a Very Short Introduction.

February 02, Andy rated it actually liked information technology. A very expert introduction to art theory. Information technology is attainable, with practiced, make clean prose and ideas presented in ways that a total beginner could sympathise. Many of the ideas within it accept fabricated me think, which is always a good thing. May 20, Paul Heikkila rated it really liked information technology.

If yous remember the Brooklyn Museum Sensation exhibit every bit if it were yesterday tjeory is for you. It does seem to have been issued under another title earlier, presumably with the Plates referred to in the text.

Art Theory: A Very Brusk Introduction – Very Short Introductions

Jul 06, amelia rated it it was ok. This is a groovy intro to art theory. I'm not certain what I expected but I was disappointed the ideas were shallow and uninteresting. If y'all are starting from scratch this is a good offset. Oct 02, Betsie Bush rated it liked information technology Shelves: This book covered a wide range of topics that I hadn't thought deeply virtually earlier. It besides covered many different types of art in its examples, which was refreshing. Mar 20, Joanna added information technology Shelves: I am non sure what happened here – another victim of my electric current problems with not-fiction.

I was really enjoying it, it seemed to exist one of the amend Very Short Introductions, highlighting few points of interest, just, after not picking information technology up for over a calendar month, I put it back on the shelf. Sep 08, Ellen rated it liked it.

I am an art student, and though I know some art theory and history already I idea I should try and get an overview, and this book did vrry to some extent – it raised some points I hadn't been exposed to before, such as dissimilar theorists' views on interpretation of fine art etc.

At first I thought the approach was too focused on artists and specific examples, like 'Piss Christ', but as Itnroduction progressed with it more interesting ideas introductiob do with theory emerged. I enjoyed the chapter that discussed 'the I am an art educatee, and though I know some art theory and history freelajd I thought I should try and become an overview, and this book did that to some extent – information technology raised some points I hadn't been exposed to before, such every bit different theorists' views on interpretation of art etc.

I enjoyed the chapter intrpduction discussed 'the catechism' and bug with canons, as well as textile arts and how they relate to gender and repression, and the author's comments on female artists and how shodt work is often downplayed by being labelled 'female' Jun 06, Marita Mazanishvili rated it liked it.

Aug 27, Ushore rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: More than or less every aspect of fine art is covered hither, from what art is, to the value of art in society, to possible clues for the interpretation of fine art, and even the obstacles put in the way of female person artists, and their battle to get on the same basis as their male counterparts.

And all in very attainable language. The book is crammed with loads of information yet small enough to popular into a purse or pocket then there is no excuse: Sep sixteen, Daniel Wright rated it really liked it Shelves: Though the title promised to be rather dreary, this turned out to exist a very well-written survey introducrion a broad range of philosophical topics related to fine art of all kinds.

The author does have a trend towards crass generalisations or unsupported statements such as the merits, early, that Ycnthia was a devout Christian, a highly debatable proposition at bestand though she succeeds in endeavouring to be broad-minded and generous, this sometimes comes beyond as a little patronising.
